The HIP Is it a fashion effect?


Reading time: 3 minutes

When I was detected HIP 12 years ago, the subject was desert. Today, the high potential is at the center of a lot of TV shows, a series of all the records, and I see many competing blogs (euuuh confrères pardon) that pull and surf this wave.


Theme: HIP Is it a fashion effect?

Here we go for the nice email of the week. 💫

Why is everyone talking about it?

At the moment, we see the subject of HIP It's all over the place. At the JT, in various reports, in newspapers, on blogs (ops ), and now!

But then, why so much content available?

This is because the various media produce the content their audience wants.

The more audience interest in a topic, the more media produce content on it. The more content there is on a subject, the more you fall on it everywhere. The more you come across a subject, the more you learn about it.

It's a virtuous circle, or a virality loop.

It will end when spectators lose interest in the subject and move on (which will become the new topic of choice for different media). In the meantime, count on us to always lay more information on you!

As long as you're hungry, there'll be food.

By starting CTD almost two years ago, I was not aware of this phenomenon. I happened to be positioning myself on a developing sector.

You've probably noticed that we haven't really talked about Covid since February. Why? Because the interest of spectators has declined. Google Trends tells us that the interest in Covid research has been declining since 22 January, and at its lowest historical level (since the beginning of the crisis) since 27 February.

It is at that time that the term "Ukraine" is seeing a peak of popularity. We're interested, but just over a month...

... before seeking information (to a lesser extent) about the presidential and then legislative elections that will become omnipresent on the news channels.

But then, is it the public interest that leads to over-mediatization, or the over-mediatization that leads to the public interest?

I tend to think that it's the public that drives the media, but it's a little bit of trying to figure out who first arrived between the hen and the egg.

Let us keep in mind one thing: if the public has an interest in a subject, we will talk about it.

Public interest

To validate my theory, we have to check that there is a growing interest in the HIP. If there is growing interest, then there should be growing media coverage.

I will turn once again to my friend Google Trends for answers.

Interest in the word "high potential" has been steadily increasing for a few decades.

The same applies to "High Intellectual Potential", with a stronger increase in recent months.

This increase certainly comes from the interest for the series HIP which came out in late April 2021. Nevertheless, the curve was increasing earlier.

These constant increases are also present around the topic of hypersensitivity which follows a similar trend.

In short, according to these figures (and believe them, they are reliable), the public interest in the HP theme has been growing for 10 years.

It is therefore normal that more and more content has been published on it for 10 years.

And it's also normal for you to fall more and more on it.


So, fashion effect?

When talking aboutfashion effect, this implies that the fashion will go some day or another. That is also my opinion.

At present, this effect is beneficial. It makes it possible to make talk about the subject and gives the opportunity to many HP who are suffering to understand a part of themselves.

It also gives many "normal" people the opportunity to think zebra (wrongfully), or very critical articles to talk about the "business of the gifted".

In both cases, they allow us to continue to debate the subject and make it talk even more, so it's very beneficial. This will help even more small zebras to discover themselves.

And then one fine day the public interest will disappear. Everyone will know if he's HP or not. There will be nothing new, nothing interesting about it around you.

And the fashion effect will disappear.

For now, you and I are fashionistas at the cutting edge of fashion HIP.

We are involved in educating the world on the subject and making it more beautiful for future generations.

We deserve a lot of applause, right?

See you next Tuesday,
