Hypersensitive regret being. They think if they weren't hypersensitive, they'd be happier. Actually, no. We're just making three major mistakes, three main mistakes. In this article, I will describe them to help you finally live happily with your hypersensitivity. You will even discover that you have a real treasure, a real gift in you.
My name is Paul and my hypersensitivity was detected more than ten years ago now. And today on Connect The Dots, I share what I learned to help new ones.
NB: This article is the transcript of the video above
1. Hypersensitive: Do not cut your intensity
We start immediately the first mistake that all hypersensitive people make: it's to try to cut their intensity. And at the same time it's understandable. We want to calm down because we feel things very intensely, we're too much. Besides, we are often told that we are too sensitive, too sad, too happy, too something. We're too much. And we can get tired. I speak by experience again I am hypersensitive too. Sometimes I can't! Having these highs these stockings constantly all day is exhausting. And so it's totally normal sometimes to want to calm down all this, stop your emotions, put a brake on it. Unfortunately, I happen with bad news: this is not something that is possible. In fact, we're biologically programmed for this, to feel higher and stronger and more intense.
That was the whole subject of a previous article that is " travel in the hypersensitive brain In which I had seen from a really neuroscientific point of view why, with our hormones, we are like this and why we feel so strong.
Neither did I. I tried to calm it down. For example during high school I really tried not to feel anymore. I had put on a kind of social mask, a fake self, or actually pretended to feel no emotions. I was lying completely to myself and some of the people who knew me more or less said that I was a robot limit, that I was insensitive, that I was cold, a real fridge. I made the casserole-minute. After a while I exploded completely. I had a depression and had to need psychological follow-up for several years. So don't, believe my experience. It may work for a while, but in the long run it's not playable at all. What you have to learn to do when you're hypersensitive is learn to listen. Listen to our information. Listening to what our antenna tells us because in the end a hypersensitive person is nothing more than a big antenna that captures lots of stimulations from the outside world. You have to learn to listen to your antenna so you can flourish because finally being a hypersensitive person is just being a hyper-living person. It's not bad.
2. Do not believe the bad look society refers to hypersensitive
The second main mistake that hypersensitive people make is to believe the look society sends us back. As I said right above, ever since we were little we understand that we are too much. Finally, society makes us understand that we are too much people: too sensitive, too intense, too happy, too sad, etc. And little by little we integrate and take it as a truth. We are convinced ourselves that we are too, in the sense that it is something bad. We even think it's this hypersensitivity, this being too much, which creates all our problems. Finally, we want to be a little like everyone else. But in reality you have to realize that nobody is like everyone else. The average is nothing more than an average. Nobody's perfect. We all vary slightly above this average and no one is "average". What we should rather do is realize that this view of society has been integrated, that it is not good and that it is not healthy. We must be able to affirm our singularity and, above all, to put this social weight away. That is to say that even if society tends to criticize everything that is not in the average... no one is in the average and everyone is a little different.

We our singularity, our difference, is this hypersensitivity. And there is room for everyone and for all the differences. We really have to accept his hypersensitivity by understanding it and releasing it, by freeing ourselves from the chains that we set ourselves and that society has put us on. When we think ourselves that being hypersensitive is something wrong, we repeat a social discourse. We repeat to ourselves a social discourse, we dig our grave ourselves, we sink ourselves. Actually, having a lot of emotions is something great. We have a unique superpower. That's what I tried to represent in this little drawing. We are hypersensitive, we are super sensitive with a superhero and we manage to make the world more colorful, more intense, and more beautiful. We must really be able to express this singularity and not at all be ashamed of it.
3. Do not fully trust what your hypersensitivity tells you
And finally, the third main mistake that hypersensitive people make is to over-trust what they feel. So this study process I'm going to talk about is detailed in more detail in the free three-day mini training that I propose. You can register now by following the link that appears at the top right, or otherwise directly in the description that is at the bottom. Again it is a mini training that is free so you can really go. So what is this process? Already not to trust too much what you feel is subtle enough because what you feel must be listened to and above all we must not reject our hypersensitivity. Now I'll send you back to error number one. But you have to realize that what you feel (you listen) is not necessarily true. It's not necessarily the truth. I'll explain. As hypersensitive we have antennas that capture and are larger. We're a big antenna. We get more things around us, more stimulation. The result is that we see things that others do not see. We capture them, we feel them, we analyze them. That's our hypersensitivity. It's just a more accurate stimulation, we're more sensitive, our antenna is more sensitive. From these stimulations and the situation we perceive, we have thoughts. Our brain is starting to think. These thoughts are looping. We're constantly analyzing. We're shooting from here.

For example, I try to call someone, but the person does not answer. That's the situation. I catch a lot of other things and my thoughts start to loop. I begin to go away, that the person did not answer me because she does not like me, because I did something wrong, because she has nothing to do with me... As a result, we start off on a false conclusion, we get vexed and we come to susceptibility. We can hurt ourselves with our own conclusions. You have to manage to do this: to study this cycle of thoughts. hypersensitive people feel things very intensely and it's good. But our conclusions are sometimes wrong. For example, the person may have just not answered because she is not available, because she is busy, or sleeps. It's not necessarily because the person doesn't like me. It's not all about me. It is necessary to take time to realize sometimes that this sensation we have, these feelings I have, are sometimes very well founded. We really have to get back on this. Once again, this whole process is discussed in the free three-day mini training. We have to take the time to think about what we're thinking. As if one could take a step back and see and study this whole process of thought so that one can see whether it is true or not.
To deepen all that we have seen in this video, know that I'm organizing a free three-day challenge to connect to its hypersensitivity is a free mini training in which you will learn to differentiate your emotions from those of others and manage and evacuate your emotions. You can register above. Otherwise, if you liked the video, don't hesitate to subscribe and watch another one!