Is the High Potential fair? What is the link between HIP And Justice?


Reading time: 3 minutes

This week, we're going to focus on a point I'm reading too much: the people at High Potential are just people.

How did I get here? Last weekend I put online a new video in which I list the points which, depending on the messages I receive, allow to define the presence of HIP. And the least we can say is that the quest for justice was omnipresent!

So I wondered, is that really the case? Does the zebra represent incarnate goodness?

Theme: Is HP Fair?

Here we go for the nice email of the week. 💫

Yes, intelligence is correlated with a Judgment moral...

This is at least what Hoffman tells us in his article of... 1977 (it's not new as a subject!).

I'm short: the more intelligent we are (understood, the higher our IQ), the greater our moral judgment.

Moreover, it is in part this study which causes us to look for a Justice in many clinical tests. For example in Monique de Kermadec's (which I did a video) it is discovered that « Zebras are outraged by injustice, have strong moral convictions and a great sense of integrity.« .

So, is the HP fair? Sounds good.


"... But not to one behaviour Moral


What do I mean by that?

In fact, the HP is moral conscious. He has a good one. Judgment morale. But this Judgment does not translate into behaviourmorale, or actions morals.

And it makes all the difference!

Basically, we understand where Justice is. We see her. But this is not the case. Finally, we are just as self-centered as a person lambda. Shame on us.

Where does this duality come from? It's still a mystery. Science is a desert on the subject. But here are some answers:

(1) Aside from justice legal to focus only on justice morals. In this case, our moral justice depends on our morals and is therefore personal. So there would be as many justices as there are individuals. It's normal that sometimes it rubs.

(2) Intelligence makes you stupid. (I had talked about this concept – from of the book of the same name – in my April 04 newsletterWhy? Because HP who know they are HP are aware that they are smarter than average. But knowing themselves more intelligent, they will less easily question their ideas and reasoning. After all, why listen to someone with a lower IQ? If they have an idea and they're HP, it's Of course. their great justice who speaks. Their view is Of course. Better.

2 examples of (in)justices

You don't believe me? Here are two examples of gifted moral actions.

1- Nuremberg Trial

The example is known but hyper speaking. Then why don't you take it away?

The Nazis tried at the Nuremberg trial had higher than average intellectual quotients.

They were a priori in either of these situations:

  1. Knowing that they were doing something wrong... while doing it. At that time we are on good moral judgment but bad moral deeds
  2. Unconscious of the injustice they were doing (because they were convinced of the merits of their actions): this is the problem of personal moral justice, which is frictional with other moral justices.

2- A bad CTD customer

(Yes, injustice even infiltrated this newsletter!)

Last week I received a message from Paypal informing that a client of my training Answerscanceled his purchase a few hours after making it.

After emotional Russian montages (Oh, no. 🦆 Hey! What the hell is this? Since when can we cancel a payment after making it?), I realized that:

  • He didn't Just canceled his payment (it is impossible in fact, I have inquired since), he reported my account as a scam to Paypal who agreed to make a refund without asking my opinion
  • During the few hours he had access to the training, he downloaded all my content from his computer

And to push vice even further, he sent me an email asking me to make a transfer of the amount of the training because he was not satisfied with what he found there. Sir wanted a double refund in fact.

The butter, the butter money, and the cream tree.

Where is Justice? It's pure flight. My training was robbed.

Let's make sure that not everyone is like that. Most people have a good background (and fortunately!).

But let us not forget one thing: there are assholes everywhere. Even at the HP.

See you next Tuesday,


PS: Despite this misadventure, Paypal payment is always accessible. I don't want to deprive a useful option of many honest users because of a clever little dishonest 🌹