The 20 signs of hypersensitivity – How do I know I'm Highly Sensitive Person ?

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Written by Paul Dugué

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Good morning, everyone! I decided to make you a quick little article because I get a lot of messages about hypersensitivity. I wanted to give you 20 features that I think define hypersensitive persons. Knowing that it is hypersensitive is the first step to learn to manage our hypersensitivity.

As long as I think about it, take a free hypersensitivity test.

NB: This article is the transcript of the video above

#1 They are stressed by repetitive noises

The hypersensitive person is usually a little stressed by repetitive noises because there is not just emotional hypersensitivity. There is also sensory hypersensitivity that is called hyperaesthesia. It is a hypersensitivity of our senses – and in this case repetitive noise will be hypersensitivity of hearing.

#2 They perceive subtle nuances

Second point: the hypersensitive person perceives the subtle nuances of his environment. We must see hypersensitivity as an antenna. We catch more things than the others. So, as soon as our environment changes a little... it could be a wall painting that is moved, or I often remember the shutters of my neighbors in the street when they were painted or varnished I would capture it without really reporting it.

#3 They are sensitive to different stimuli

It goes to the third point: you have a great sensitivity to different stimuli. That is, we have this hypersensitivity we are an antenna. We capture everything and at the same time we also capture everything from our senses.

#4 They trust their intuition

The hypersensitive often relies on his intuition. Since he captures more elements, it's as if he had more information that came into him and then he can find a better solution via his intuition. That's all theories, but I'll give it to you anyway.

#5 They are overwhelmed by their feelings

You are regularly overwhelmed by your feelings. It's classic, as imagines emotional hypersensitivity. We tend to explode.

#6 They put their emotions in a drawer

But before we blow up, we'll put our emotions in a drawer. Let's make the casseroles minutes.

#7 They're hurt by critics

Seventh point: we are deeply wounded by critics because things reach us at the bottom of ourselves. Since we tend to always seek love in people, we want them to love us and we really see criticism as proof that this love does not exist.

#8 They react easily

Eighth point: we react more easily, we are more easily touched by what surrounds us. We're very empathic people. When others have problems, it also quickly becomes our problems. We invest because we want to save them, we have the savior's syndrome.

#9 They don't like to be wrong

We do not like to be wrong (ninth point). That's pretty much what I said right before, that we need the love of others. When you're wrong, you feel (wrongly) that others will no longer love us.

#10 Their inner life is complex and rich

We have an inner life that is complex and very rich. In fact, there is a lot going on inside of us as we feel all things without necessarily always expressing them.

#11 They pay attention to others

We pay great attention to others (it joins empathy) because we need them to be good for us. We're emotional sponges.

#12 They are sensitive to the emotions of others

We're also sensitive to the emotions of others. We absorb their feelings.

#13 They are meticulous and perfectionist

We are meticulous and perfectionist people. In fact, we like things well done because we are (hyper) sensitive to beauty. We want things to be perfect for them to be beautiful and well done. But also because, if they are imperfect, we are afraid that others do not love us. We associate with the imperfect thing. For example, when I was doing lectures at school I needed everything to be well framed, well done, because I was convinced that if it was wrong, the teacher my comrades or others would be disappointed and would no longer love me.

#14 They are stressed and anxious

The hypersensitive ones are very stressed is very anxious. They panic very quickly because they internalize everything.

We think of everything and it makes us stressed. We have like a stress ball inside of us.

#15 They like going to the bottom of things.

We like to master the subjects completely because we like to go deep and invest deeply.

#16 They have trouble in love

We have a lot of trouble in love. So I've been fine for two years, but otherwise it was really the disaster. In fact, we can sometimes get into situations of emotional dependence where we need the other to love us. So we're in a relationship that's a little unhealthy because we're looking for that love even if sometimes it's not good for us.

#17 They prefer individual sports

We prefer individual sports (to differentiate from team sports, type handball, football, basketball). At school I was much more comfortable when it was sports alone (such as badminton or racing).

#18 They think too much

We're thinking too much. Our brain is rolling 24/7. We think of everything all the time.

#19 They are criticized for their sensitivity

We are often (unfortunately) criticized for our sensitivity. I've had a lot of "Paul too sensitive," "Paul too emotional," etc. And I got pretty close to myself trying to defend myself... and I ended up being a robot. I was told "Paul is a robot with more feelings." Actually, I had some, they were just inside.

#20 They don't like open spaces.

And last but not least, I personally hated open spaces. So I find the idea interesting from a business point of view, but after personally there is too much noise, too much agitation, too much everything, and I can't concentrate at all. I'd rather be alone in my bubble.

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Hello! I'm Paul. I come out of many years of international business studies that have brought me to a few years of experience in management and events and the creation of a company. What I love most is to experiment and test new things, understand what's going on. So I've always been very curious, read and learn a lot. In order to share my passion for personal development, I decided to create Connect The Dots (CTD). Good reading!