The High Intellectual Potential (HIP) is a subject which, though intriguing, remains surrounded by various mysteries and interpretations. Often at the crossroads of cognitive sciences, education and psychology, the HIP There are many questions, particularly about its prevalence and manifestations.
But what are really the figures behind these so-called "surpassed", "early" or "zebras"?
In a world where numerical data play a key role in demystifying and enlightening, this paper aims to plunge into the core of statistics on the HIP.
You must have an IQ greater than or equal to 130 in order to be detected overkilled (in France)

In France, the threshold commonly accepted to speak of High Intellectual Potential, commonly referred to as "advanced", is an intellectual quotient (IQ) of 130 or more.
This measure is based on a standard scale with an average of 100, with a standard deviation of 15. Thus, an individual with an IQ of 130 is in the upper 2.5% of the population.
But be careful, this figure is not a magical sesame opening the doors of an elitist club. It is, in fact, a simple statistical indication, a quantitative benchmark in the assessment of intelligence.
Let us not forget that intelligence is a multidimensional and complex concept, and cannot be reduced to a simple number. But we needed one, so we did.
In addition, the IQ test used in France is WAIS. Other countries, which have a different definition of intelligence, use other tests, or the same test, but with a different limit than 130 (e.g. 125 or 135).
2.5% of the population is HIP

The concept of HIP is often approached in relation to the intellectual quotient (IQ). According to the Gauss curve, also known as the normal distribution curve, the majority of the population (approximately 68%) is in an IQ range between 85 and 115. This curve is symmetrical and shows that the more we deviate from the average, the fewer individuals involved.
When dealing with people with high potential, reference is made to those in the right end of this curve, specifically those that exceed two standard deviations from the average, i.e. an IQ of 130 or more. These individuals represent about 2.5% of the population.
This small proportion underlines the scarcity of HIP within the general population.
It should be noted, however, that no one has performed large-scale IQ tests that would have demonstrated that there are 2.5% of the world's gifted. We can't technically do it. But since almost all things are represented by this "normal" law, the researchers felt that the intellectual quotients should also be.
An IQ test costs 300€ on average
The assessment of the intellectual quotient is an approach that intrigues and arouses the interest of many individuals, whom they want to know more about their own potential or that of their loved ones. If the idea of passing a IQ test It is crucial to know the associated cost.
In France, an IQ test by a graduate clinical psychologist costs an average of €300. This rate may vary depending on the region, practitioner, or the complexity of the assessment.
It is important to note that this amount does not include only testing. It also covers preparation, analysis of results and oral and written restitution by the professional. In other words, this is not a simple set of questions, but a comprehensive process of assessment and interpretation.
Opt for cheap tests or free IQ tests online It may be tempting, but it is essential to understand that only a test administered by a trained professional ensures the reliability and relevance of the results. Investing in an IQ test is primarily about investing in an accurate and personalized assessment of its intellectual potential.
The HIP have better academic performance

The High Intellectual Potential, often associated with exceptional acuity and speed of understanding, is naturally suspected to confer academic advantages.
An English study, by plunging into the analysis of school performance of students identified as gifted, gives significant figures to this hypothesis.
The results are, to say the least, eloquent: compared to the average of the pupils, the gifted have a higher performance of 58.6% in mathematics, an impressive difference which shows their ease in the logical-mathematical subjects. In English, an area requiring both analytic aptitude and linguistic sensitivity, they outperform their peers by 48%. Even in less conventional disciplines associated with intellectuality, such as arts and design, the HIP stand out with 18.1% better results.
These figures, while highlighting the academic potential of HIP, also invite a deeper reflection on the accompaniment of these students. Indeed, exceptional performance does not necessarily mean academic well-being and it is crucial to ensure their overall development.
Some students HIP indeed have difficulties in school. But most early children don't have one, and for them everything is going well.
Source: Sitting Direct
FAQ High Intellectual Potential
Frequently asked questions on the HIP.
What IQ score does it take to be HIP ?
It takes an IQ of 130 or more to be HIP.
The HIP is a fascinating concept that evokes higher than average cognitive ability. But how can we define this "higher than average" in a tangible way? This is where the Intellectual Quotient, or IQ, comes into play. Based on a series of standardized tests, IQ is a measure of an individual's cognitive abilities relative to the general population.
In this context, an IQ score of 100 is considered the average. To be classified as high potential individuals, the threshold is generally set at a score of 130, which is equivalent to two standard deviations above the average.
This means that a person with an IQ of 130 or more is in the top 2.5% of the population in terms of cognitive abilities. However, it is crucial to understand that IQ is just a facet of the HIP. It is not just a question of numbers, but a combination of cognitive, emotional and contextual factors. A high IQ score is indicative, but does not capture the total complexity of the high potential phenomenon.
How many people are HIP ?
2.5% of the population is HIP.
In statistical terms, the IQ distribution curve, based on the Gauss curve, is calibrated so that the average is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Individuals with an IQ of 130 or more, or two standard deviations above average, are generally considered to be HIP. Statistically, this represents about 2.5% of the population.
In other words, out of a population of 100, on average 2 to 3 people would be classified as having a High Intellectual Potential according to this measure. However, it is essential to recall that HIP is not limited to a simple IQ score. It includes emotional, behavioural and cognitive characteristics that may vary from one individual to another. Thus, although the figure of 2.5% gives an estimate, the reality of the HIP is much more nuanced and complex.
How much does an IQ test cost?
An IQ test costs an average of €300.
The IQ test, or Intellectual Quotient, is a cognitive assessment that attracts the interest of many individuals seeking to understand their own intellectual profile or that of their children. However, one of the first obstacles encountered is often the cost associated with this approach. On average, in France, an IQ test conducted by a graduate clinical psychologist ranges around 300€, although this fee may vary. Factors such as the practitioner's reputation, geographic region, or test specificity (for adults or children) can influence the final amount.
It is important to note that this award is not only awarded to the test itself. It includes preparation, careful analysis of results and often a restitution session where the professional explains in detail the intellectual profile of the person being assessed. If cheaper or even free alternatives can be found online, their reliability is widely contested. To ensure accurate and professional evaluation, it is recommended that an expert in the field be contacted.