How to know if we're HIP ?

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Written by Paul Dugué

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You are looking to know if you are a person HIP ? You're in the right place!

Download now the official kit to know if we're at High Intellectual Potential. It includes tests to be performed and a mini-training to follow.

Download kit Am I HIP ?

What's the point of knowing if we're HIP ?

Here are the 3 main rationales for whether you are HIP.

Better self-understanding

Knowing that it is HIP helps to better understand its peculiarities, such as increased sensitivity or atypical thinking. This knowledge can explain certain behaviours or emotional reactions, facilitating self-acceptance and valuing their differences as assets rather than obstacles.

Adaptation of the educational or vocational environment

Recognize its status as a HIP makes it possible to adapt its learning or working environment to fully exploit its potential. For example, people HIP can benefit from more stimulating teaching, complex tasks, or creative projects that better match their level of competence and their need for challenge.

Personal and professional development

Knowledge of his status HIP can focus on more appropriate personal and professional development opportunities. It encourages the search for paths that value creativity, innovation, and critical thinking. This can lead to greater satisfaction in personal and professional projects, as well as a significant contribution in its areas of passion or expertise.

How to diagnose HIP ?

The diagnosis of HIP is usually done by evaluating a specialist psychologist through standardized IQ tests, such as the WISC for children or the WAIS for adults.

These tests measure various forms of intelligence, including logic, verbal understanding, working memory and processing speed.

An IQ score of 130 or more is considered indicative of a High Intellectual Potential. The assessment may also include interviews to understand the psychological and emotional functioning of the individual.

What are the symptoms of HIP ?

The symptoms of HIP are:

  • Insatiable intellectual curiosity : a constant desire to learn and understand in depth various subjects.
  • Quick thinking and ability to make complex connections : ability to quickly capture information and establish connections between apparently disparate concepts.
  • Increased sensitivity and empathy : a great responsiveness to the emotions of others and a greater personal sensitivity.
  • Need for autonomy : a preference for working and learning independently.
  • Creativity and innovation : the ability to think in an original way and solve problems in an inventive way.
  • Perfectionism : a tendency to have very high standards for oneself and for his work.
  • Feeling of lag : an impression of not quite integrating with others or thinking differently.

How to know if we're HIP or HEP ?

HIP (High Intellectual Potential) and HEP (High Emotional Potential) may coexist, but they refer to different aspects.

The HIP is measured by IQ tests and refers to higher intellectual abilities.

The HEP, less formalized, concerns a high emotional and empathic sensitivity.

To know if it is HIP or HEP (or both) it is advisable to consult a specialist psychologist who can assess both cognitive abilities and emotional sensitivity through appropriate interviews and tests.

How to know if her child is HIP ?

The signs of a child HIP can include early language development, intense curiosity, ability to learn quickly and self-taughtly, marked emotional sensitivity, and sometimes a sense of lag with peers.

To confirm a High Intellectual Potential, you can start by passing a free precocity test. Then it is recommended that the child be evaluated by a psychologist specializing in IQ testing for children, such as WISC. This professional can also help to understand the specific needs of the child in terms of educational and emotional support.

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Hello! I'm Paul. I come out of many years of international business studies that have brought me to a few years of experience in management and events and the creation of a company. What I love most is to experiment and test new things, understand what's going on. So I've always been very curious, read and learn a lot. In order to share my passion for personal development, I decided to create Connect The Dots (CTD). Good reading!