HIP info: all the information to know about the High Intellectual Potential

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Written by Paul Dugué

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The High Intellectual Potential (HIP) is an expression that we hear more and more talk about.

But what is it?What is a zebra in psychology? ? How to know if we're HIP ? 

Today, I decided to recapitulate some of the questions that very often come back to the gifted adult, the child with high potential and this extraordinary intelligence and intellectual maturity in general.

Because yes, being gifted doesn't mean being anxious and having school difficulties. The cognitive functioning of early genius can, if accompanied by a good shrink and the right tools, help to flourish.

So we're going to lay some healthy foundations of great potential, from early discovery to life.adult zebra.

What IQ does it take to be HIP ?

To be validated as a person to High Intellectual Potential, one must have an intellectual quotient greater than or equal to 130.

It should be noted that this does not correspond to a particular change in the functioning of the brain. Nothing special happens between an IQ of 129 and an IQ of 130. The changes are rather continuous.

Scientists have taken the limit of 130 because it corresponds to two standard deviations of the average, in case the IQ in the world is distributed according to the normal law of Gauss.

What intellectual quotient to be High Intellectual Potential

The limit of 130 is therefore purely arbitrary. We could have had another one.

Moreover, some scientific research sometimes takes 125 or 135. These variations also vary the results, and this (in part) causes all the blur around the information on the HIP.

I had talked about these subtleties in this article: Why is research wrong?

What is the percentage of HIP in France?

Still based on the Gauss curve, it is estimated that 2.5% of HIP in France. This percentage should be the same worldwide.

However, as you have understood, the distribution of intellectual quotients in the world is arbitrary so we will never really know if this is the case (for we could not pass tests to a section of the population large enough to validate this hypothesis or not).

In addition, it is estimated that intelligence comes from two factors:

  1. An innate part (we're born like this)
  2. An environmental part (based on our past experiences, our social milieu, our education, etc.)

Some people therefore assume that in countries where education is lower, the level of intelligence should also be lower.

The logic stands, but it encounters another problem: there is talk of intelligence in its definition Western. Not all countries agree on what is (or rather what is should be) an intelligent person. As a result, the same thing is not being measured everywhere and several IQ tests exist.

Technically, we could take an IQ test in France (the WAIS) and have a good score, and yet crash when you pass another one in India for example. Yet nothing has changed in us between these two tests.

Are there groups for people looking for information? HIP ?

Yes, it is.

In "real life", you can find a lot of associations and groups reserved for people HIP.

The largest known association is Mensa. It's an international group. They will ask you to provide them with the official result of your IQ test so that you can enter it (or, failing that, you will pass one with them).

There is also a lot ofassociations for early childhood (and their parents!). I am thinking for example of AFEP, ALREP or ANPEIP.

And finally, if you prefer the "virtual world", I've already come across discussion forums (but I don't remember the names anymore). You will also find a lot of groups on Facebook, including the one I have: The Troop.

How to detect HIP ?

To make a diagnosis HIP Adult, an intellectual quotient must be tested by a certified psychologist.

This test takes place in 3 parts:

  1. A first interview to understand the reasons that drive you to make this psychological assessment
  2. The real test
  3. An interview during which you will receive your results and details of how your brain works

Adults must pass WAIS. On the other hand, for gifted children the WISC is used. It is basically the same, but adapted to early students.

Often, identification is done via teachers who suggest to parents that their child has an intellectually early (and sometimes emotional) mode of functioning.

If necessary, I have created a directory of psychologists able to detect gifted adults and intellectually young children.

What to do when one knows that one is HIP ?

Knowing that it is early will have an impact especially if you are still in school or in your studies.

Indeed, from now on you should have keys to understand your operation so particular (especially thanks to the report at step #3 of the test).

Thanks to this, you can adapt your way of learning and working to avoid school failure. I know, for example, that some schools specializing in small zebras exist.

However, if you are an adult, knowing that you are HIP mainly has an identity benefit. This should allow you to put a name on a long-held difference.

No, you're not weird.

Note also that most high potentials are well and are not aware that they are. For them, they just have great abilities.

Where to find a questionnaire HIP free?

Many questionnaires can be found online HIP free... but you have to take them with tweezers.

I've combined 9 free IQ tests to do online which should give you some leads on possible intellectual precocity.

Otherwise, Monique de Kermadec proposes a test HIP of 17 questions To know if we are.

Whether it is this video test or the ones presented just above, remember that, as it is a self-diagnosis, the results of these doubt tests can be biased for lack of objectivity.

However, you can certainly find symptoms of HIP.

Conclusion: HIP info

In conclusion, here is a summary of the information in the article:

  • To be considered exceptionally gifted, you must have an IQ of 130 or more. This represents about 2.5% of the population.
  • You can find many online groups and associations that come to help people to High Intellectual Potential
  • The atypical personality is detected with an IQ test. However, some free online tools can help you (but be careful, their truthfulness is questionable to detect precocity)
  • Knowing you're HIP will allow you to explain particularities and/or a sense of lag with others that you may have felt. We are also able to express our potential. For gifted students, this can lead to educational adaptations according to their needs to promote their academic success.
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Hello! I'm Paul. I come out of many years of international business studies that have brought me to a few years of experience in management and events and the creation of a company. What I love most is to experiment and test new things, understand what's going on. So I've always been very curious, read and learn a lot. In order to share my passion for personal development, I decided to create Connect The Dots (CTD). Good reading!